Our labyrinth is open to all. Please feel welcome to walk and pray.

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December 2023
West Gloucester Trinitarian Congregational Church, 488 Essex Ave. Gloucester
Worship for all ages is on Sundays at 10:00am, in person and on Facebook Live
Monthly Mission Bin Collection
Diapers & Wipes for North Shore Postpartum Help
Sunday, December 3rd
Advent begins. Bring a friend to experience the sacredness of this holy season, as the church prepares for Christmas. 10:00 every Sunday morning.
Saturday, December 9th
Soup Sale, Cookie Walk & Craft Fair, 9-2:00 Fellowship Hall
Sunday, December 10th
Worship, 10:00am
Jazz Dynamics Christmas Concert, 7:00pm. A mixture of sacred and secular music, $20 suggested donation at the door.
Thursday, December 14th
Christmas Caroling at the Fire Pit, 6:00
Sunday, December 17th
Annual Outdoor Christmas Pageant with Bucko the Donkey 10:00am Arrive early if you want to choose a costume!
Birthday Cake and fun afterwards, in Fellowship Hall.
December 18, Cribbage Tournament, 6:15pm
Thursday, December 21st
Blue Christmas, for those experiencing loneliness, grief or depression this holy season, 6:30pm in the Sanctuary.
Sunday, December 24th
Morning Worship 10:00
Lessons, Carols & Holy Communion 6:30pm
Saturday, December 30th
Family Magic Show with Mr. Johnson, 2:00 doors open at 1:00 for refreshments.