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Take a Labyrinth Journey 

Ancient Spirituality

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness, combining the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. It represents a journey to our own center and back again out into the world.

Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools. They have been found in ancient Crete, Egypt, and Etruscia; they have been inscribed on Neolithic tombs. They are a call to the center, a worship structure where the eternal beloved waits to be encountered. The labyrinth has always been associated  with unity with God and conversation with the divine, with spirituality, worship, and the sacred mystery.


Long ago, Christians were expected to travel to the holy land at least once during their lives. But as travel was often both difficult and dangerous, labyrinths were designed as alternative pilgrimages. If travel was out of the question, spiritual merit could be gained by walking a labyrinth.

The West Gloucester Trinitarian Congregational Church Labyrinth was created by volunteers, during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a place where all are welcome to come, for prayer and meditation. Please park in the left-side parking lot; you will find the labyrinth behind the church building.


© 2021 West Gloucester Trinitarian Congregational Church. 

Church phone: (978) 283-2817

 To support the work and ministries of our church, you may donate here

488 Essex Avenue, Gloucester, MA  01930

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