In addition to Sunday Worship in person at 10am, you can join us on Facebook Live and our You Tube channel for you to worship at your convenience.
Click below to see this weeks service!
For more information about the United Church of Christ, click below:
For more information about our Conference, click below:
Christian Development:
WGTCC is a church that LOVES our children! They participate in worship through a weekly Children’s Time and often sing, offer readings or teach the adults a lesson. Their Pageants are always a hit, and something that the children and adults all look forward to! When it is safe to return to our church building, Rev. Rona will be working with families to offer innovative family programming.
Our Church School uses Godly Play, a Montessori-based curriculum. It lends itself well to multi-age groups, so all of the children learn together. Tara Leisner is the Head Teacher and is always assisted by a parent.
Our Minister of Music, Renee Dupuis, earned her BA in Music & Voice Performance from University of Hartford. She had an extensive performing career as vocalist and pianist. In addition to performing locally, she is a music educator for adults and children.
For variety, each month we have one Sunday with a guest musician. Our guest musicians are often popular local musicians with a loyal following. Recently, we have been joined by Joe Wilkins, Allen Estes, Alexandra Grace, Nadia Richardson and Chelsea Barry.
Mission & Outreach:
Through our Mission Giving, we support Our Church’s Wider Mission as well as local agencies, including The Grace Center, The Open Door, Wellspring, Teen Challenge and more.
We hold monthly worship services at Seacoast Rehab and have an active prayer shawl ministry, for people who are going through a hard time. We have blessed and shared over 100 prayer shawls! Pocket Prayer Squares are a comforting reminder of God’s love and the prayers of the church, for anyone to take.
Community Service:
Free, fresh organic produce is given (and received, if you have garden surplus) every Saturday during the growing season, from 3-5:00. Come, help yourself to what you like!
We hold drives and drop offs most months, in the church parking lot to collect food, menstrual products, diapers and such for local agencies.
Our church building is home to CoDependants Anonymous meetings. A women's AA/NA group will begin soon.